Elevating Guest Screening Process for Short Term Rentals

More than background screening, more than verifications.

Data shows that the most of the unruly guest problems in vacation rentals are caused by already verified guests.

The Root Cause of the Problem is “Behavior”. We are addressing the problem from the root-cause.

Powered by our innovative AI algorithm, unleashing a new, global,  and channel independent guest trust solution.

Enterprise Property Managers: Automate your guest vetting process in your PMS in real time.

Don’t have  a Property Management System? No problem, use our self-serve portal.

…and yes, in addition to the behavioral guest trust metric, you will get major criminal screening as well, including sex offenders check.

It is now time for a global trust metric for vacation rentals, based on measurable, objective digital footprints of guests’ behavior.

Powered by Our Proprietary AI Innovation
Booking Channel Independent
Covers All Property Managers, Hosts, or Owners With Singe Property

Why guest screening and verification are NOT solving the problem?

We are looking at this problem from a different perspective. To us, it is NOT a screening, or verifications problem, because these methods are “STATIC” and “LOCAL”.

However, guests are global with a dynamic behavioral pattern. Background screening can not capture the dynamic nature of guest behaviors. A global, platform  independent, and dynamic guest trust metric is the only solution for a highly fragmented Short Term Rentals sector.


We changed how we look at the problem

In today’s highly connected booking ecosystem world, every booking activity leaves its footprint in the form of raw data. We believe that many information is hidden in digital booking footprints.

The rest is what we do best: extracting good behavioral metric out of raw data using our innovative AI technology, the very first step towards establishing a new global metric for the entire Sharing Economy.

Behavior is the next currency.

This is the first step towards establishing a global metric based on objective measurable behavioral data for entire Sharing Economy, including but not limited to Short Term Rentals, Ride/Car Sharing, Financial Services, etc.

Behavior is the only dynamic parameter in common, existing in all verticals of the Sharing Economy, directly linked to behavioral TRUST of a consumer.

Behavior drives trust

Behavior identifies genuine guests

Behavior is dynamic and intuitive. It leads to an objective metric for guests.
